It’s Not All About Failure- Success is a Teacher Too

The Startup
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2017


A Tale of Two Opposites

  1. Two opposites are walking down Wall Street, home of the inordinately wealthy. Millions of dollars in power suits walk past slapping one of the opposites on the back like an old friend while reverently ignoring the other.
  2. The same two opposites walk through the creative community. Household names write books, paint pictures, and tell stories of the one while politely deferring conversation regarding the other.

Let’s admit it, failure gets almost all the self-improvement air time these days. I mean, I’ve written two articles in the past two weeks about how you need to allow room for failure in your life and how, when you fail, it’s not the end. Failure is the paradox that everyone likes to talk about. Meanwhile success hangs out in the corner working on his next project. While we can learn a lot from failure, we can learn just as much or more from success.

Failure teaches us what not to do.

We can take that information and apply it to our lives, but no matter how well we apply it, we are still “trialing and erroring” our way towards our goals. Not necessarily the quickest approach.

Success, on the other hand, shows us what works.

We can take the information and apply it to a similar situation and expect a similar result. The feedback is different and it can help us grow by leaps and bounds! Not so much trial and error, more minor course corrections, and a smoother journey as a result.

Quick Tip

Maybe today instead of examining failures for lessons you can learn, focus on examining your latest successes.

>What worked?

>What lessons can you learn?

>How can you replicate that success next time?

Once you have this info, go out and apply it. Apply it today, tomorrow, and the next day. Consistency of effort is the key. You can do it!

Call to Action

I wrote an eBook about how to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of your success. Everyone has creativity deep inside and dreams to match. If you want to start or reinvigorate your Creative Journey, check out my free eBook: The Creative Journey — A Starter’s Guide.

Click here to get it for free!

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